In Hatsumori Bemars, Imadoki mentioned that she beat up Majijo students before arriving at Nanamaru's Monja House. Otabe is a famous sweets shop in Kyoto, Yuihan's hometown During the events in Majisuka Gakuen 5 the school was under threat of being shut down due to numerous deaths of it's students and alumni involving multiple syndicate groups, particularly by Akechi Sougyou.ĭerived from Paruru's well-known salty character It is unknown if there is a connection between the school and Prison HOPE, which is also called "Majisuka Prison" ( マジすかプリズン, "Majisuka Prison" ?). It was already known as Majisuka Jyogakuen Koutou Gakkou ( 馬路須加女学園高等学校, Majisuka All-Girls' Senior High School ?) during the events of the Majisuka Gakuen Stage and Majisuka Gakuen 4. Before the events of the Majisuka Gakuen, it was later turned into a Private School for girls up until the arrest of Maeda Atsuko, where it underwent a period where it was changed from a private school back to a public school. Majisuka All-Girls' Private High School ( 私立馬路須加女学園高等学校,, Shiritsu Majisuka Jyogakuen Koutou Gakkou ?), also known as Majijo ( マジジョ, Majijo ?), was a yankee (delinquent) school that was the main setting for most of the Majisuka Gakuen series.